In September of 2022, we received news that our little boy was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that will cause loss of motor function and his overall ability to thrive here on earth. Like any parent, we are at a loss for words. Warner brings so much joy to our lives, and the lives around him. Although we continually wonder why this has happened to us, we keep reminding ourselves that we have the most powerful God writing our stories. He puts all the pieces together for every single person. Although some things don’t make sense, and hurt, he has a reason.
We wake up every day thanking God for allowing us another day on this earth, for another day to soak up all the snuggles and love from our sweet babies, and for everything that happens that day. No days will be taken for granted and we won’t stop fighting for our little boy. Those of you that have little ones cherish every single second and live in the moment! Nothing is guaranteed. Life is too short to fret about the little things and go down the vicious rabbit hole of why’s and frustrations. Live every day as if it’s your last. Be grateful for every moment you are given. Good or bad.
Although the position we’re in isn’t one we like, we continue to see the abundance of support. We have a massive #warriors4warner army behind Warner and our family. We thank everyone for the ongoing support, and continued prayers. Please pray for Warner to continue being pain free and for God to perform a miracle, continued comfort and strength from within for Andy and I, and for Presley as she begins to realize and understand the facts of Warner’s illness. Pray that she continues to be comforted by God’s Grace, as she absolutely adores her little brother. We appreciate all of you more than you’ll ever understand.
God Bless,
Andy, Paige, Presley, and Warner Kays